Job-A-Palooza Agenda- Schedule TBD
Be Part of Job-A-Palooza
Company Registration/Set Up 9:00 - 11:00am
Opening Remarks & Announcements ~ 1:00 - 1:10pm
Competition ~ 1:10 - 3:15pm
Student/Peer Mentor Check out 3:30 - 3:45p
- Companies may set up anytime between 9:00-11:00am.
- All stations must be ready for the practice sessions by 11:00am.
- Check in at registration desk
- Mentors will be assigned a student and given a nametag
- 9:30-10:30am ~ Mentor orientation
- How to work with students with disabilities
- Overview of survey for students to complete
- Overview of competition purpose, timing, tasks and their role as mentors
- Review job task options for students
- Q & A
- Students check in at registration desk
- Students turn in VR Referral form
- Students receive name tag
- Mentors and students will be paired
- Mentors conduct pre-event survey with students
- Mentors review list of job tasks with students
- Review post event survey and check out process
- Mentors and students review and select company job tasks.
- Each student to choose five (5) company tasks (one of each color/round)
- Ten (10) minute rounds
- Mentors will rotate with the students through their five (5) selected company tasks
- Practice rotating through five (5) color rounds
- Companies will give instructions on how to complete the task at their station
- Mentors will help students practice the task at each of the five (5) stations.
- Practice rounds are to help the students understand and learn the tasks
Opening Remarks & Announcements ~ 1:00 - 1:10pm
Competition ~ 1:10 - 3:15pm
- Each round will last fifteen (15) minutes
Student/Peer Mentor Check out 3:30 - 3:45p