We are very proud of what we accomplished with our oyster mat program, which is why even thou this project has been replaced with making cement pattues, we will keep this posted!
Our Oyster Mat Project is a win, win, proposition. We are employed building oyster mats that are placed back into The Indian River Lagoon. We have meaningful work that we get paid for, and we help restore our compromised Lagoon.
Why oysters? They filter water and improve water quality.
How many gallons of water can one oyster filter?
See answer below.
Our Oyster Mat Project is a win, win, proposition. We are employed building oyster mats that are placed back into The Indian River Lagoon. We have meaningful work that we get paid for, and we help restore our compromised Lagoon.
Why oysters? They filter water and improve water quality.
How many gallons of water can one oyster filter?
See answer below.
Answer: One oyster can filter 50 gallons of water a day!
Our mats provide a base to repopulate oyster beds. Just imagine the cleaning power of the oysters attached to the 7000 mats, that have been placed into the Indian River Lagoon, thanks to your support of this project.
It's easy to donate to this project-click below:
$300 can supply materials and wages for one of us to make 25 mats to be placed in the Lagoon. This project gives us meaning and purpose, while helping to save our Lagoon!
Our mats provide a base to repopulate oyster beds. Just imagine the cleaning power of the oysters attached to the 7000 mats, that have been placed into the Indian River Lagoon, thanks to your support of this project.
It's easy to donate to this project-click below:
$300 can supply materials and wages for one of us to make 25 mats to be placed in the Lagoon. This project gives us meaning and purpose, while helping to save our Lagoon!